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How To Be A Pintrest Star

Once you’ve set up your new Pintrest account it’s hard not to go crazy with Pinning. Pintrest is a virtual pin board with every type of information you need and want at your finger tips. But if you want to be a Pintrest Star you’re going to need to exercise some pinning control. Here are some of my tips to becoming a Pintrest Star


Be Original

 How to be a Pinterest star image by Think Big Online

The Best Pinboard’s and the images ‘repinned’ most often are those that are original. Use your imagination to take and edit your own pictures. Instagram is an asset here – you simply upload the picture straight from your phone. Catherine Tolbert has a whole board dedicated to Instagram photos that she has taken and with 318 followers on just that board, she’s taken originality to the max.




Use Descriptions

Adding a description of you image (whether it be directly on the image or in the item description) is a fantastic way to encourage followers. Personally if I see a picture of a cool hairstyle I want to know how I can do that myself. There are so many individuals out there who are providing bucket loads of information, making them a go to source.



Follow to Be Followed


Like any Social media app, if you want followers you need to become a follower. This is made simple on Pintrest. You can choose to follow a person’s entire Pintrest catalogue or just follow particular boards that you like. When someone follows you, Pintrest will notify you and you will be given the option of following them back. It doesn’t hurt to gain some inspiration from others.




Keep It Simple Stupid. It’s a term I heard a lot from my teachers in high school and it is definitely the right term for Pintrest. Keep your images simple and straight to the point. Cluttered space is not going to help your fan base. My suggestion is to have a minimalistic image as your ‘board’ cover photo which will keep your space neat, tidy and easy to navigate through.


There you have it, four easy steps that could make you a Pintrest star. Let me know how it goes and if you’ve got any ideas we want to
hear them.


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